Tuesday, April 05, 2005

My birthday weekend

This weekend Matt and I stole away to Port Angeles (well, matt stole me away as a surprise). We took the long way there, all the way around the sound. One of my favorite things to do is to take road trips to places ive never been, and so matt happily obliged me. We drove along the water, through a lot of small Native towns. Too bad neither of us like seafood, as this would have been a great oppertunity to snag the cheap, fresh seafood and smoked salmon. Though, we were just as content to read the crazy signs of the fireworks stands as we drove by. Though, much to Matt's diappointment, the name of his future rap group was stolen by one of the stands--"Ill Eagle."
Port Angeles is beautiful. The rain cleared up finally, as well as the traffic around Hood Canal due to the remains of a bad accident. We got to see several overturned cars, and a man crying and holding his dog on the side of the road. It was sad.
P. A. is great cuz its right on the ocean, with the mountains only a couple hundred yards away, if that. We tried to go hike up to hurricane ridge, but the roads were closed for winter. We drove though part of Fort Warden, and ran around in the fort, but most of the rest of it was closed for winter as well.
Eventually we went ended up climbing down to the beautiful beach at Dungeness Spit (after taking the wrong trails and getting into stinging nettle). From the beach, you can see in the distance lots of deer, snowy mountains, and storms on the horizon. awww, how cute and romantic. And then we had a great Italian dinner. Ok, enough about my sappy weekend. It was fun, and Matt's great. pictures to follow in a few days.....


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