Celebrity Sighting Pick of the Day
It was like any other unhappy days work at starbucks. Sleeping to little and rising to early, I spent my shift furiously serving up high maintenance drinks to picky, snobby, corporate office workers--and always with sarcasm and bitterness. yay for work.
However, as the morning progressed, it proved to be quite different from my average day of slipping decaf shots into lattes of sassy customers desperate for their morning fix (this is, ah, off the record). "Tall chai" I say, as I put a drink up on the bar. "Uh, is this a...tall chai?" I get my eyes into the full roll position for the every other drink response--"ya, that's what I just said, tall chai". But as my eyes returned from the backs of their sockets, they fixed upon not just any customer--but a tall, familiar, hairy, mustachioed man. He met my stare with a condescending retort of "ya, thanks (thought bubble: jerk!)" And then, as I cocked my head and narrowed my eyes, searching to place his familiar face, he swished away in shiny athletic pants(tall chai in hand, of course), surely interpreting my gaze as further dispatched rudeness.
"Who is this shaggy haired man with a stunning specimen of a mustache!?" you are all dying to know? Alright, I'll tell you. Its a Mr. Tom Skerritt (actor), of such notable acclaim as Top Gun (commander Viper), Alien, Steele Magnolias, A River Runs Through It, Singles, Contact, and precisely 81 others. And I bet you didn't know this little jem of a lesser known fact (go, brag to all your friends), he was the police officer in Harold and Maude (one of my favorites!). So tell all your friends that you know someone who knows Tom, and works at a celebrity starbucks. And if you happen to run into Mr. Skerritt (rumor has it he's local), tell him I didn't make his drink decaf.

my dear Tom
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