Monday, July 11, 2005

Im Tired

So I suppose if I'm actually going to write a post, I should wait till I'm super excited and full of energy so it's interesting. Hmmm, that won't happen. So I'll give the short, catch-up version. The really short one I guess, since I've just forgotten everything I was gonna write.


1. A puppy protest. A bunch of old people standing on 8th street in Bellevue, waving around signs protesting the puppy store. That's the coolest protest I've ever seen. I tried to take a 'picture' on my cell phone while driving by, but, well, you know how those turn out.


1. My car. It has a lot of problems, like the fact that it's a white trash grandma car. But my favorite thing about it is the giant clouds of blue smoke it blows out the back. uh, bad...rings. Engine will blow up in about a year. ok, so what, I'm trying to pay off all my college/travel debt before I invest in something new. That's fine, I can handle it. I've had worse lessons in humility with my lifetime car collection (though, Pumpkin, I really miss you. I should never have given you away for 190$) (Geez, it was supposed to be 200$, ok, but the guy spent 10 bucks on a tank of gas to drive down to look at it!). But anyway, the worst part is having to look in the rearview mirror and see the looks of horror and disgust on everyone's faces as they roll up their windows in a panic, practically skidding off the road trying to avoid the ominous smoke cloud that's about to completely envelop their car as I hit the gas, while simultaneously writing the longest sentence I've ever written (not at the same time, yikes). It's most definitely embarrassing. Which brings me to my second anti-pick.

2. People who don't enjoy drowning in clouds of blue exhaust. Jerks. Its bad enough that I never know what's going on behind me (I have a trauma block now, I cannot look in the rearview mirror--I refuse to acknowledge people giving me the finger for a little oil leak). But, the other day, I'm sitting in traffic on a two lane road, anxiously averting my eyes from whomever I'm smoking out, when I notice several 'cyclists' approaching on the side. As I've been looking into biking more, I feel qualified to make the assumption these clever little gentlemens' bikes are of the expensive variety. The bikers are all swaddled in chic, matching, head to mid-thigh spandex outfits, wearing shiny, wrap-around Ray Bans, and petroleum based helmets. soo hot, really. As they ride by my car, I am careful not to accelerate too much, lest they have to breathe in environmentally unfriendly fumes. I promise. But then they have the audacity to grasp their throats (one hand, of course) while making grotesque noises to fain the "I'm choking to death on toxicity, you oil burning, Bush supporting, baby killing, bitch!" thing. Rrrr. I wanted to throw it in neutral and rev up that horrible engine, filling up their gaping, choking mouths with Haliburtens's finest. So sorry I'm a poor college student, working a practically minimum wage job to save up for mission trips to India. So I can't afford a new $3000 dollar engine, let alone a $3000 dollar bike. Sorry that I too can't bask in the warm glow of my co-workers' approving looks as I change out of my nice corporate suit and leather jacket and into my clicky little 200$ bike shoes. By the way, boys, how much do you pay your 7 year old slaves in China to sit in the dark stitching your pretty, shiny, sparkley, matching cheerleader outfits? oh wait, they're American made? uh oh, are you supporting America? Oh, no, its ok, you bought them at REI, so you have no idea where they're from, but they're probably environmentally friendly since its an outdoor recreation store. Well, that changes everything! You get a gold star for your ethics! Better yet, how about a 4$ cookie made with organic flour, farmed in LA by poor, migrant farm workers? Or perhaps a 6$ organic soy latte from starbucks? Yes, congratulations indeed. Hurry home to your big houses next to Bill gates, as fast as your little legs can pedal you.

My roommate says I could solve all my problems by simply putting a "keep our earth green" sticker right above my exhaust pipe.

Ok, well, maybe that was the longer, angry version. Maybe I should have edited this--at least enough so it does't say "the shortest post ever". hmm. Anyhow, at least I wrote something this week.


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