Journal-y Post
So, I guess I'm not a big fan of those excessive personal diary type posts, but hey, everyone else is doing it--and I'm not one to ever wander from the norm-so here I go. Anyway, it is MY website, and I can talk about whatever I want.
But mostly, nobody really seems to know what I'm actually up to these days. Everyone probably just thinks that when I say "I really can't hang out, or go to your 8 year old sister's sparkle dance recital because I'm really busy" that I'm really just saying "actually, I don't like you that much and I hate your sister even more, so I'm just gonna make up some really lame Seinfeld type excuse so I can kick back and watch 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' all day (which I actually highly recommend as a great way to spend the day).
So then, diary commence!
There seems to be a huge amount of big 'life changing decisions' to deal with lately. And I'm sure we all know what a great decision maker I am (when I call you at 11pm to go over and over and over all my circumstances and listen to myself talk under the guise of seeking your advice, and then when you give it I just turn around and do the opposite--you know who you are, all 28 of you).
I have recently put in my 3 weeks notice at my current Starbucks job in downtown Bellevue. Throughout the last year or more that I've been there I've had my fair amount of struggles and discontent. Some days I dealt well with it, and some weeks and months I was horrible about it. Needless to say, the job added a lot of stress to my life, but provided the sort of comfort I needed in a workplace. I have been with Starbucks long enough that working in a tiny little office building full of generally cool regulars and an amazing office commons lobby in which to take breaks (while perhaps sitting in a plush chair by the massive stone fireplace with a book in hand) was less than difficult. Point being, even though I was unhappy with some of the situations there, it was difficult to have much motivation to leave it for some big, dirty, crowded coffee whorehouse. I even snagged a free parking pass.
So where am I going? Some of you know about my little coffee shop venture. I have been reluctant to talk about much of it as the plans are in constant state of change, and the surety of the venture is always uncertain. But, I suppose, since you asked and all, I'll divulge a bit.
My church, Harambee (of which there is a link to in said section, in case you think I'm in a crazy cult) (which is possible, so you may want to check it out and decide for yourself), has recently purchased their first building (previously renting a space), in downtown Renton. The vision is more of a community center than a church. One with a tutoring/mentoring program, classes, a coffee house and art space, etc. Remind me to give the full commercial for it later. Anyway, Matt and I have volunteered to start the coffee shop, as that's always been a dream of ours. We've begun plans, revised plans, cancelled plans and so on. And the one thing that is sure, is that it takes a huge amount of time to start a business, especially since I forgot all my well-trained business skills from my last big company operation (if you really want to call selling Sierra Mist out of a wagon for a quarter when I was 10 a corporation). Soooo, my church has asked me to become a full time employee, running the coffee shop, and doing various other administrative tasks. So I'm now officially and underpaid intern! Which I am ecstatic about (as well as being nervous enough to wet my pants about).
Fun, this is like a Christmas newsletter! You'll read the first paragraph and the last, and skim the rest, so in this here middle I can say anything I want! I'm a huge drug addict, who is pregnant with 8 babies! yay! ok, hope you caught that. If you did, I'll send you a gold star in the mail, or feature you on my website (for having the courage to read this far).
Also, Matt recently purchased his first house in Rent-on. So that has been very exciting, and keeping us overly busy. Were learning to clean, and paint, and redo floors, and ceilings, and yards and, and, and,....etc. We are having a lot of fun though. Matt Topping 123 will be moving in as Matt 99's roomie. So keep an eye out for the raging house warming party we hope to throw soon. Maybe a BINGO party is in the works, or perhaps just a quiet kegger. One thing is for sure though, we have a foosball table and will be holding some tournaments.
And, well, there is a million other things, but I'm already boring myself, so I'll save some for later, Augustus.
So there, dear diray is done for a while.
Awesome obligatory self photo
can you send my gold star to my new address? thanks!
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