Sunday, September 25, 2005

Headache Nostalgia

Today I have a headache, and I am lonely because it is Sunday. I often get lonely on Sundays because they are always beautiful and relaxing, and so I feel that I should be doing something to celebrate that--but I don't. Matt always gets the whip cracked at his toes to be the official Sunday crack-caffeine dealer to weary and overly exuberant church goers alike, who find that the best way to spend a Sunday is in a Starbucks. Sitting in the sunshine of a breezy, Sunday afternoon tends to get lonely when you're consistently denied the company of your loved ones. I miss him.

And for some reason, I always seem to have a headache on Sundays (not hangover, headache--geez). So I can never seem to find the energy to go out on a bike ride or a hike. Ah, woe is me.

So instead, I get out my photographs, again, and go through each one, remembering each phase of life with a sense of lonely nostalgia. So I thought I'd share a few of those back-logged photos. If anyone really knew how often I looked through all my photographs, one might think me a bit of a loser (go get a life, take some advil, and get out and shoot some more!), or perhaps just a narcissist.

Anyhow, this next set is from last year when I worked at the Redmond Boys and Girls Club. These are some of my favorite kids. I'm sure few of them would remember me now, but they had a tremendous impact on me, and I often miss them.


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