Tuesday, January 31, 2006

California girls gone wild!

What the heck? So, I was browsing a friend's site who has these pics from a Japanese mag posted. Browsing the site ever so briefly, I didn't really take the time to figure out what the real deal is here, but the only thought that immediately came to mind was "are they trying to look like the ideal American woman?" Yikes. Is that what their perception is? Have we really convinced everyone that looking like you've been stuck in a toaster too long is something to strive for? That is the ultimate standards of beauty? Well then, USA ladies, you've been had, and the mockery abounds widely.

But whatever the case with this little photo shoot, not since watching Bubba Hotep the other night have I seen something this frightening. Poor girls, I wonder if they actually know they look like that. Maybe they don't have mirrors in Japan.

Whatever the case, there is just really no excuse for this picture.


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