Saturday, January 14, 2006

Trip cancelled due to Rain

Matt and I tried to take a day trip to Bellingham to go hike around at Larabee state park....but, wouldn't you know, by the time we got there it was pouring. So instead we had progressive dinners around town per locals recommendations. We found this really cool place called 'le chat noir'. we had fondue. yum yum. And then we went to the awesome Tulalip Casino!!! Since I'm not much of a Vegas affectionado, this is the biggest casino I have ever been to. Not to mention, it was Roy Orbison tribute night--and it was rockin'. we each spent 10$ in slots--I left with 10$, Matt left with 0$! ( I am much luckier, and cuter) I guess that's what happens when it won't stop raining for a month straight--you end up passing time in casinos.


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