Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Survivor PinkEye! 1 day down, 29 to go!

"Did you know that pink eye can survive on a doorknob for 30 days? Ya, well I got pink eye, and I've been touchin' everything around here. The phone, doorknobs-- you name it, my hands have been all over here. So now you're gonna get it too, so watch out. Don't worry, it's not too bad, you just get these eye drops, and..."

Says my coworker to me today.

Number one reason you should come visit my church this Sunday: Pink eye epidemic!!

So I hear it's been goin' around with the kids, and is slowly affecting the adults as well. If that's the case, my 30 days of mitten wearing might never end. As it is, I have suddenly accrued a nice pair of mits and a box of disinfectant wipes for the office. I now go around like a paranoid jerk, turning on lights and opening drawers and doors gloved in a bleach wipe, never knowing where little pinky may be lurking. I keep hearing "don't worry, you'll get it, but it's no big deal, it goes away". But as I rush to my computer and type "pink eye" into web MD with my little mitted digits, and see phrases like "terrible, horrible itching and discomfort" and "ooooozing puss", somehow I don't think I'm ridiculous for not wanting to jump on the pink, ooozy-eyed bandwagon. Call me crazy, if you will, but I'm holding on tightly to my Costco sized box of the wipes of life.

And just because at every sign of a slightly dry or itchy eye, I cry out "It's Pink eye! I knew it!" does not necessarily mean I'm paranoid--just, uh... cautious. I've got 29 days to go here, a little more sympathy would be nice (Matt!). (Besides, if I get it, guess who's doorknob my infected little hands are comin' after...)

(as an after thought, pink eye is a pretty cool name for an infection. I suppose if I'm going to be "Infected", I'd rather be called pink eye, or red eye, or something hip and tough rather than oozy and pussy or something)


At 8:59 AM, Blogger mrs. kleiner said...

As soon as he told me that...I immediatley wanted, no NEEDED to touch my eye. Even now I feel the urge to rub.

My hands are still dry from the 5 times I washed them in the 2 hours I was at the church yesterday. Gross.

Godspeed Danelle. May the Force and Bleach wipes be with you

At 4:24 PM, Blogger Brother Matt said...

I'm pretty sure she's talking about Matt Topping. Not me. I am a model of sympathy...I mean I'm very sympathetic. Err, pathetic.

At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like someone's getting a little paranoid about being passed the pinky....better cover your doorknobs...

At 5:24 PM, Blogger Brother Matt said...

I went 4-5, pitched 2 shutout innings and had 5 rbi's last time I had pinkeye. Me and pinky are friends.

At 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh ya? Aren't you sooooo tough! Sign my t-shirt!

If you've had pink eye so many times, shouldn't you be immune now, rather than pretending like it gave you super human baseball strength?

More like "freakeye!" than pinkeye!!!


At 7:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even if you look like Jack Nicholson in As Good As It Gets, it's well worth the compulsion to avoid touching anything.

That pink eye has been lurking about the church since AT LEAST November, and my right eye is is STILL dry and funky from my infection after Christmas.



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