Friday, June 16, 2006

It's not a compliment when:

It's not really a compliment when people say to me:

"Oh I love your hair!"

"oh, thanks!!" says flattered me.

"Oh, I could nevvvvver pull off something like that! You're so brave!"


"I love you're hair! You're lucky, my husband would think I was crazy if I tried to do something like that! But sooo cute, really..."

hm, ya, thanks. Not really sure how to take that. But what seems stranger to me is that these people genuinely seem to think they're pulling it off as a compliment.

"Hey, freak! You're nuts! You should join a circus! Because you're sooooo cute! No, really!"

Geez, it's just a few pink streaks. Haven't you people ever seen mtv, or ventured downtown before? Damn suburbia.


At 11:08 AM, Blogger mrs. kleiner said...

Laughing out loud...tears down my cheeks.

That's funny. Sorry for the lame compliments, but that's what you get when you're called to REnton. :)


At 9:31 PM, Blogger kayla said...

I am soooo sorry D. I will never comment on your hair again! So let me say once and for all time. "I love your hair!!!"

At 8:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is rather flattering on you. As someone who changes her hair every month or so I feel your pain...


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