So, who are you?
Alright, I can read a stat counter. But only so well. So that tells me I have a number of regular readers. And only a small portion of those readers actually post comments.
I mean, this is your online community here. If you're not participating, you're totally in denial that you exist in some strange version of real community (one where people 'chat' everyday, but have never met nor heard each other's voices, one where you sit inside late at night staring at a glowing box 'hanging out' with your imaginary friends!).
Ok, so I know who the regular commentators are. I know a Mr. and mrs. Y that frequent around here, maybe a mrs. K, the infamous Jen, and, but drunken admittance only, a stalking Beth. But who are the rest of you? It's only fair to say. I'd like to know about my secret fan club (that's what you are, right?).
I mean, Erin, where did you come from?
But here's who I need to hear from:
The various "Seattle" provider addresses
Whoever is from Utah
And who is the mysterious Spaniard?
Ooh, do tell. Please introduce yourselves. We can't keep being imaginary friends if not only have I possibly never seen you, but I don't even know your names.
Where did I come from? You told me to check out yer blog. So I did. Then I commented. That, OR I did a google search for "It's hard being popular + turn it to 11" because what I was really looking for was a site where *really* popular kids could get together and talk about Spinal Tap. And this is what I got.
Just wondering are do I only exist in your imagination or do you only exist in mine ???
uhm.. hi... my name is jalene and I check out this site because I want to know how to be cool.
I love this post. Way to call 'em on the carpet. I hope that Spaniard shows his face!
-Infamous Jen
hello, i'm frannie & i'm reading this post waaaaaaaaaay late and we went to college together for like half a year and made out with the same boy and i still wanna know how you're doing!
i'm good and hopefully get to see ana's squishy-face baby next weekend. yay!!
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