Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Snow, snow, go away

Ok, So I never thought I'd say this, but I'm getting really sick of the snow. It usually snows here once a year, if were lucky. But this year, we started with a snow storm around Thanksgiving. It closed things down for a few days. Then we went for the giant wind storm, knocking 700,000 people's power out for up to 10 days, which I must say, does not make for a lovely smelling fridge. That was fun, staying at Charin's house, for the first, say, 5 days, but then you start to miss what it feels like to not sleep on someone's floor, or have to wash the same clothes every morning.

Then, another bout of snow. But a little smaller this time. Then some more mild storms, including another windy night.

After the holidays, and having some time off, I actually started getting excited to get back to a bit of a routine after like a month of travel, staying on people's floors, then staying with my family for the holidays.

And now, another snow storm. I keep thinking it's kind of fun, but the horror filled News stations makes it a little difficult to enjoy. It's making me filled with panic, that I might slide on the road. ahhh, the horror!

The bad part is, the whole city panics and shuts down, people drive like crazys, and people die. The good part is, hey, its snow! And I stopped in at my bar for a nice dinner and a beer! Who wants to fight the crazy traffic? I'll just get drunk instead and then try to drive home. At least i'll be more relaxed, right? Plus, I just saw a guy walking past the window with a grocery bag on his head. These are exciting times.

My roommate just called me, as well as another friend, both reporting closed roads and stuck cars, and they're going to try to trek back like 7 or 8 miles in the snow. I'm thinking of trying to make it home, getting out our summer inner tube, and walking to meet them. Then we can sled back, and pull each other!! I'll defy the horror of the news yet!

Well.....I guess I should quit drunken blogging at the same bar as infamous Jen blogs at, especially since co-workers and regular drunks alike are prying into what I'm doing over here, and trying to coax me over. All this, and I still have a huge work report to finish. hey, it's ok not to if it's snowing, right?


At 1:34 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Omgosh you poor poor people .. gee as I sit here sweating it out with 40C (100+F) temp siping a tall glass of ice water thinking about swiming in the river and trying to ecape the heat Its hard to even think about snow!


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