Wednesday, April 04, 2007

It's my birthday today....

It's that time of year again. I haven't posted recently, I know. It's been a busy month. But, look forward soon to many posts! I got a video camera for the big b-day, so that instead or merely documenting interesting images in my life via photograph, I can capture
Every, Single, Moment,
of my entire life, and force you to share it with me.
And you thought the photos were enough.

As birthdays go, it's been a good one, though I'm starting to feel the age thing a little heavier every year. But a friend pointed out today that it's not so much that I've rounded the curve and begun hurdling headlong toward 30, but that I am still in the middle third of my twenties, officially "Mid-Twenties". I think I like that better. It's more glass half-full kind of thinking. I'm still not sure I'm yet thankful for it, but they tell me that one day soon I'll be more appreciative that every time I go out, even occasionally at the movie theater, I get carded. When I show them my old lady i.d., they usually roll it around for a good couple of minutes with the suspicion that it's a fake. Hooray for youthful appearance, I think...

Alright, as I'm officially no longer in my early twenties, I need to hurry off to bed to get a full nights sleep! Happy birthday to me!


At 12:50 AM, Blogger Heartichoke said...

And that would be about 20 minutes ago, during April 3rd!

At 5:42 AM, Blogger Dave said...

Woo! Happy birthday you! 26 ain't so bad - or at least I expect you to be telling me that in a couple of months.

At 6:19 PM, Blogger andy said...

hey happy birthday! wait till u hit 30.... its all downhill then ;)

At 2:13 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Happy B day sis! yea thirty is like so old man!


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