Ride the SLUT!
Everyday I drive to school, and get stuck in awful traffic when I'm just about there--those damned little sorbet trolleys making me late almost every morning ("shouldn't you just get up earlier?" Shut up! My whole commute is already in complete darkness!)
Right at the south tip of Lake Union they've unveiled an army of tiny pink, purple, and orange "streetcars", which will apparently take mass amounts of commuters about 20 feet in lighting speed time. This morning on the radio I heard some people having a contest; they were trying to race the streetcar to work--running along side it, not stopping as it did to pick people up. The SLUT just barely pulled ahead. (oh, Seattle.)
The best part is, the big bad city of Seattle accidentally named them the "South Lake Union Trolleys". Hence, the S.L.U.T.--a name which caught fire like an abandoned SoHo Warehouse. The neighboring coffee shop busted out a line of t-shirts that say "Ride The SLUT!" with a cute picture of a trolley on it. They've sold out of t-shirts. I'm definitely putting an order in for the next batch.
This is when the city suddenly changed the name to "South Lake Union STREETCAR". Not because they don't like SLUT, they say, but because trolley sounds so antiquated--and a pink streetcar that goes 20 feet is very modern.
People apparently enjoy the shirts for a variety of political reasons, but mostly because of Seattle's ridiculous transit politics in such an apparently progressive, environmentally conscious city. Amen. Now, you damned pink SLUTS, get out of my way and let me drive my non-carpooling, non-bus riding ass 2 hours each day through Seattle traffic in peace!
Read about it here!
Get your t-shirt here!
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