Sunday, June 26, 2005

So, here are a bunch of random India photos I've been meaning to post, for, well, about 4 months now. I intended for these to accompany some interesting and information posts about my trip, but, well, I guess we all know that's never gonna happen. So here are some photos instead. Most were taken by me, but there are a number that were taken by my friends Dennis and Mariah, who were also on the trip with me (anything with a red date--I thought I'd give due credit to some of their cool pics). Though, we spent a lot of time on the highway or the train, so many are taken out of windows, and may be a bit blurry. So, enjoy. I still have a few more to put up, but this is, finally, most of them!

Preparing dinner

working in the kitchen

whole eggs in the biggest pot of curry I've ever seen

making curry



getting ready for dinner

one of many cows roaming around snacking on garbage

Mmmm, Mochi and baby bock choy--hurray for airplane food! (eeeww)

Yuck, Im totally not eating that! I want everyone to know!!!

selling flowers for your hair (and papayas in back)

Dinner, yum

wow, only 1 rupee for an STD. and all this time i thought they were free

Yes, of course, donate your eyes......


Me about to steal a car


Waiting for a rickshaw after church

Yay me!

Yay Mike!

from my rickshaw to yours, matt, lets cram as many in as we can and go to the beach! (this was before it actually crashed into another one!)

My friend DhanaLakshmi shows me the henna she's been working on in her art class

A teacher with the usual Jasmine in her braid

Being served our yummy daily Chai in mini tea cups

Me and Matt hanging out in the train, 3 bunks up

a traditional home in the street in Madros

traditional Indian sitting position (they all seem to sit like this a lot)

Adorned in one of my favorite saris, the teacher helps the girls color

The abundant Jasmine that all the girls and women wear in their hair--this was a gift for me (and yes, those are my old lady hands)

outside our hotel


more temples, hooray!

hitchin' a ride on the back of a cool work truck

trying to hold Sunny



JJ and friends

beware of men making mad dashes across the highway (or, if you can see the furthest sign.."dont fall into cow grates across the road"

Hey, stay away from our building or this will happen to you

Me in the sari shop, run entirely by men, trying to figure out how to make a sari. They just start pulling out those shelves of fabric and throwing them at you

outside Arjuna's place

almost done building

building their chicken coops

I think this works better than a bike

with hay

These are the neighbors

break time

I taught him to do that

Dennis sneaks into a temple!