Thursday, March 27, 2008

Art School Confidential

Can you believe it? I switched my major to art. Visual communications to be exact. That's design. I still have to actually apply to the highly competitive program, but I finally made the mental decision, and started my basic art courses.

These are my first art classes ever--which seems a funny thing to say for someone who has just viciously thrown all her Fabergé eggs in an art major basket.

In all my 432 slow drawn out years of attempting to receive an undergraduate diploma, I have been on the english major track. And now I am thrust into a very strange world of underage art kids. I'm not so sure what to make of my new 2 year future existence.

English kids are weird; they're usually prone to depression, binge drinking, anxiety, and sexual struggles. And the rest are obsessed with writing the next LOTR while wearing an elvish outfit in their mother's basement.

But art kids are way stranger. I'm not quite sure how to categorize them yet, but I feel worlds away (But I fit right in with the above categories?). Perhaps it's something to do with me being a good 10 years older than most of them, yet being grouped in with them; these skinny-pants-wearing-interpretive-dance-doing-over-privileged-white-misunderstood-finding themselves-through-naked-lady-drawing-no-wait-Christian-school-alternative-Jesus- interpretations-18-year-olds are apparently my peers. Hmmm...I'll keep investigating my new world and report back soon. I totally wrote this in my sketchbook while smoking behind the cafeteria.

Why then the dramatic major switch, you ask? In a brief sentence, I grew up as an artist, but just never knew it till now. I'm embracing my misunderstood inner me.

Thus, spring break is over.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Jeff Tweedy cries a lot

A friend of mine recently moved (sniff) to the far-far-away land of big and bigger (that's Texas). I miss her, but I keep up with her blog "momentary trace" which I have newly linked in the "real live friends" section.

I was reading through her posts this morning and found this one below. It's an article by Jeff Tweedy discussing the links between migraines, depression, anxiety, creativity, pain medication, and the cycle of pain identities. I myself have dealt with many of the above issues, and found that I resonated much with the internal expressions of pain through external suffering portions. Anyhow, as most of my tiny-tiny readership has related to me that you struggle with those issues as well, I thought it would be an interesting link to read. Plus you're all Jeff Tweedy lovers, and it has song links (ooooh).

Don't forget to check out Rachel's Texas blog. It's all about grits and big hats. Maybe.

And check out the article link here

Monday, March 17, 2008

Photos of Friends

I just did some photos of friends yesterday. I hope they don't mind me publishing, but I think she's a darling enough pregnant lady that she won't. She is also a dancer.

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We brake for sun



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Friday, March 14, 2008

Did you type this long blog address just for this?

I'm on spring break! woohoo!

From Kim...who proposes to try this at my birthday party.