Sunday, April 30, 2006

Yay for Sun in April

So last Sunday was amazingly warm and gorgeous for spring in Seattle. Matt, my cousin Brian, and myself decided to run out and seize the day. We rushed off after church to go to a Mariners game. We got all packed up, got the lunches, drove down and circled for parking, decided on free parking about a million miles away for people wearing flip flops, and walked in carrying all of our stuff. But when we got there, those 7$ seats were all gone, so our options were seats that were far to expensive for a student, an intern, and a starbucks employee. We figured we couldn't just go home now that we were already down here, so we decided on the Freemont ice cream cruise. Its every Sunday, and cheaper than a baseball game. You get to cruise around Lake Union and listen to this crazy old guy tell all these ridiculous stories about Dale Chahoulie (as you peer into his house) and tomatoes taking over Gasworks park. We had a great day, and I like Matt and I like my cuz (plus, look how cool they look here, especially Matt with his blue shawl)

Yay, I like Seattle. These are sucky digital pics, but it was still really beautiful out, and so fun being on the water. I can't imagine not living on the coast.

Waiting for our ice cream cruise amongst 20 other little kids.

Yo B

Me and Matt--he stole my hat so that he could do poses.

Matt is sooo cool. Look at that shining hipster-ness.

Me and Brian!!!!

Yay, gasworks park. I like Seattle a lot.

We took a tour of Zoka Coffee in the U district to gather (or steal) ideas for our coffee place. I'm trying to take a spy picture...but, it didn't work (for some strange reason). However, the coffee was super super yum, so that was good enough for me.

So, after our cruise, we headed back to my cousin's Christian kid house on frat row at UW. They live in this giant old mansion--or, castle, really. There are 50 guys there, and they have a chef and a giant kitchen. That's what you get when you trade in a beer bong for Jesus--a personal lady chef, and a fridge stocked with treats for all hours of the day. This place was reallly quite cool. Although, it did smell a bit like the boys dorms at summer camp... We got to eat ice cream bars, tour all the crazy rooms, and play basketball. This is out on their upper deck...oooh

I think this requires some sort of joke about Brian seeing the light or something, but I'm not going there because I think this picture is just so awesomely GQ. This is in the castle spire (i.e.--the makeout room--I suggested they start renting it out)

They have a serious longboarding habit. This has encouraged me and Matt to invest in one this summer, and ride around hilly Seattle getting run over by cars like Brian's other friends.

Goodbye smelly boy castle

Friday, April 21, 2006

You might be an emerging church if...

You might be an emerging church if...

From a former mars hill guy...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The night I almost died! Zang!

So, last Saturday night, I planned to run to the grocery store to pick up a few things, and then meet Matt at my house to cook some Easter stuff. I put on my coat, and started walking up to the street where my car is parked (my loving neighborhood thinks it a sin to let lowly, cooties-infested renters to park on their precious streets of gold--so during every thunder storm, think of me trudging up the hill to my heat-less truck). As it so happens, this street is un-lit (my neighbors care a great deal about the safety of young single females). Unfortunetely, I walk up there all the time, but somehow, that night, it felt strange--it felt particularly creepy. So I decided, this night, that I would turn around and just wait for Matt to take me to the store.

As Matt got off work, he drove down past my car and to my driveway to pick me up. As we drove back up the hill towards the store, he casually mentioned that I'd left my dome light on. We swing by to check it, and find, mysteriously, that it had gone out. I thought perhaps the battery had died, and not to be left stranded on a rushing Easter morning, we thought we'd stop to check it, and jump it if necessary. Matt pulls up next to the truck, and I jump out of his car. I shut the door quick, and he begins fiddling with the radio, turning it up loud.

I reach for the lockless door handle on my darkened car ( I never keep valuables in there, and I ain't got a stereo no more, thank you very much jerks) on the pitch black street, open it up, and A GUY JUMPS OUT OF MY TRUCK AT ME!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh, holy S, "what the **** are you doing!!???" I scream, as I'm trying to process the most shocking thing ever.

"Uh, uh, oh, I'm sorry, I'm just, uh, hiding"

"What the hell are you hiding from!!!!!????" says a still completely freaking out me.

"oh, uh, my friend, he lives over there, I'm just, I'm sorry, sorry" he holds his hands up apologetically (though I wish it was in arrest). He's tall, looks like 18 or so, and decked out in thug life gear.

"Which House!!!??? Why the hell are you hiding!!"

"uh, that one, right there, I'm just, gonna scare him, uh, sorry" he says as I notice his low rider pimped out truck parked dangerously close to mine.

I still haven't got my bearings back at that point, not knowing what to make of an skinny, white, apologetic, gangster jumping out of my truck into my face. I had no point of reference to make a decision about punching him, calling the cops, or stealing his big fat 'bling' and taking off with it. So what do I do? I give him a motherly lecture. Don't blame me, I was scared out of my mind, and still in shock!

"You don't scare people!! You don't go in other people's cars! You just don't! What are you thinking?! What the hell are you thinking?? That is NOT ok, it's just not ok!!!"

"Uh, I'm real sorry, I didn't take nothing, im sorry, I, uh,"

"I don't care if you're sorry! It is not OK to GO in other people's cars!! Ever!! What the hell are you doing?! Don't ever do that again! What's your name!"

"um, um, Jason"

"Get the hell out of here!!!!"

"ok, sorry."

Way to go D, don't call the cops or anything, scold him, scold the hell out of him! Maybe I should have asked him to hold out his wrists so I could slap them a few times.

Where was Matt, you ask? Still rockin' out, not noticing much, as he couldn't see anything, and didn't hear us over the stereo. But luckily, near the end of my fearsome lecture, he looks up and see's me talking to this guy, so he rolls down his window, thinking its my neighbor or something. He hears me yelling, and begins looking for his giant lug wrench. But never fear, my mothering tactics scared the criminal away. Mr. "Jason um sorry" jumped in his 'pimp my ride' wonder truck, and sped off.

I quickly relayed the story to Matt, and we both sat struck in surprise, trying to figure out what just happened. I went down to said "friends house", as I thought I recalled a boy did live there. I thought I would just check, to see if they were just messing around. Surely no boy did live there, but they mentioned that there was a little bastard that used to live next door but got kicked out of his house (mainly for death threats on my neighbor and her young daughter, and I'd like to hope for being the jerk that ripped the face off my stereo a few months back). The daughter said, based on the Tupac description, that he sounded like a guy named Henry, who had gotten kicked out of several schools, and a one Bellevue Christian as well (my sparkly fun alma mater).

So I called the cops. Funny thing, they arrived about 30 seconds into the phone call. They had just been responding to a call where a group of boys, pissed at some other dude, had taken crow bars and smashed all the windows out of his house. Someone called them in, and they all scattered and hid. So the cops thought perhaps this was one of the hiding criminals (ah, my oh-so-safe rich white neighborhood).

But looking further, it seems strange that he would drive his truck up next to mine to hide. They ran the plates, and it came up as unregistered, but purchased. However, it happened to be the same truck as mine, and same year (just waaay more fancy lookin'). So we thought perhaps this guy was looking for parts, and we caught him totally off guard in the act. Or, seeing my truck lockless in the dome lit night, maybe he was checking for a stereo. Busted, yay! And it was probably in his best interest to sit and explain kindly so as to look especially innocent rather than running away and having the cops on him immediately.

bastard!!! Trying to steal stuff from a hard working, church going, single, young lady's seriously piece of **** car. Pisses me off so much. But I guess I'm just glad he didn't beat me up. If I hadn't of had that weird feeling, and God hadn't turned me right around, I may have surprised him much more, walking up quietly in the dark night, alone, and maybe he would have been a lot more violent. I didn't press charges, as I don't want to become the next neighborhood crime target...again.

If you see a pimpin' low rider blue mazda truck, ram it.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

My Pregnant Little *AnA*

So, she calls me and says "Look how huge I'm getting at 8 months pregnant! Other than the 3 next to her, do you see any big babies located in small ladies?

So, this is the cat that drunken dials me all the time while Ana is apparently not involved. She washes her hands of all mischievous pet behavior. Right....

Look how round!!
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Thursday, April 13, 2006

Yes, I waited till the last day to file my taxes

Noted on e-file tax form:


Check any that apply:

__deceased before December 31, 2005

Ok, What's not right here?

I'm a ghost, coming back to haunt my 1040 EZ just for fun. Oooohhh.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Top searches on my website

So, I have this handy little thing on my website that tells me the top google searches that ended up on my site (so, if you don't want me to know you found me by googling "hottest heartichoke ever", you'd better try another phrase). Here are the recent 3.

1. Ellensburg sending valentines
2. tshirt quit stalking me
3. discotheque Kayla

Yes, I would have to say that that last one is my personal favorite.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Stupid photo poster, getting the order all crazy. these are more birthday pics from last week, of our trip to fort Casey. That's me. I'm leaving now to go check out a film festival at SPU that I'm really excited about. Going with miss blood and charnage. yay!


I locked Matt in here.

Lady Eagle

So, these are some extra photos I found from my birthday. This was our wildlife tour. Everywhere we went, we kept running into animals. Here is me chasing this eagle couple. It was pretty cool actually, though I think they were a little annoyed, as I think they were just trying to chill out and enjoy the afternoon.

Mr. Eagle

(this is his nice landscape portrait)

This lady eagle was totally trying to get away from me, but don't worry, i kept chasing her, messing up the ecosystem

I think maybe i was falling over


Me. One of the few pics that matt has taken of me that I like! (Im picky, he's not sucky)

Matt is down at the end of the switchboard

We found all kinds of weapons buried under there.

Inside part of the Fort

Looking out toward Port Angeles

He is supposedly shooting a machine Gunn at me as he decends into the depths of the prison. yikes.


Found this on another site!

Top Ten Reasons Why Men Should Not Be Ordained

10. A man's place is in the army.

9. For men who have children, their duties might distract them from the responsibilities of being a parent.

8. Their physical build indicates that men are more suited to tasks such as chopping down trees and wrestling mountain lions. It would be "unnatural" for them to do other forms of work.

7. Man was created before woman. It is therefore obvious that man was a prototype. Thus, they represent an experiment, rather than the crowning achievement of creation.

6. Men are too emotional to be priests or pastors. This is easily demonstrated by their conduct at football games and watching basketball tournaments.

5. Some men are handsome; they will distract women worshipers.

4. To be ordained pastor is to nurture the congregation. But this is not a traditional male role. Rather, throughout history, women have been considered to be not only more skilled than men at nurturing, but also more frequently attracted to it. This makes them the obvious choice for ordination.

3. Men are overly prone to violence. No really manly man wants to settle disputes by any means other than by fighting about it. Thus, they would be poor role models, as well as being dangerously unstable in positions of leadership.

2. Men can still be involved in church activities, even without being ordained. They can sweep paths, repair the church roof, and maybe even lead the singing on Father's Day. By confining themselves to such traditional male roles, they can still be vitally important in the life of the Church.

1. In the New Testament account, the person who betrayed Jesus was a man. Thus, his lack of faith and ensuing punishment stands as a symbol of the subordinated position that all men should take.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

My mother! My parents took Matt and I out to dinner at Manzanas (or, ManJammas as I heard it) to be waited on by the excellent staff there (my cuz Brian). I forgot I again swiped my roomies tiny digital camera until after dinner, when I went for coffee with me mum.

Mom and me!

My Dad and me

loving a giant latte

My mum so cute!

So, April 3 was my 25th birthday. As I had some business to attend to this weekend, we decided to opt out of a weekend birthday trip, and instead have a little party for me, and take a day trip to my aunts beach house on Whidbey Island. My party was great fun, and we put our 60s Bingo roller to some good use. I won several times (no, i didn't rig it), and won me enough to get a white chocolate latte today with lots o whip cream! Somehow though, I managed not to have any pictures from my party, which I am highly disappointed about.

unfortunately my birthday happens to be on a rainy Monday today (that's what happens whey you're an April baby--either that or everyone is gone on Spring break if it's sunny). But Matt and I decided we didn't care it it was rainy, we were going on our trip, even if it was only for a day! So we headed out to Whidbey. We had a great time despite the weather.

These are all with my roomies little digital. I have EVEN MORE, yes it's true! I will post those later, since these are certainly not enough.

And yes, I am no longer blondie!! I finally decided to dye my hair back to a somewhat more natural color. Something like that.

This photo is from the ferry ride to the island.

Believe it or not, this is actually before he got sick of me taking so many pictures

My favorite cutest couple piccie evvvver.

So begins our fun at Fort Casey, as usual, with me having to pee so bad, I agreed to using the Wizards of OOze port-o-pottie. so cool. And it was the fresehest smelling outhouse I've ever had the pleasure of, I might add. Good job, Wizards.

So, we also checked out the lighthouse during our adventure at Fort Casey.

But I lovvvve the view, kiss

Blah, I feel sick from climbing all those steps in a circle. All 20 of them.

Just before he totally kicked me in the face and I fell all the way down the stairs. Doesn't he look like a homocidal jerk?

"why is your face so bright? whats wrong with this thing?" says Matt. I am obviously a clown, Matt.

Matt at the bottom of the lighthouse


This reminded me of an old painting or photo, like the ones on glass plates. It looks sad and old to me.