I heart Seattle

Is that cooler weather I spy? Hooray, its true! Thank you evil sun gods for receding, us poor wilting seattlites just can't take it anymore!
Sooooo, we jammed up to the Capitol Hill Block party last night on a whim. I've never actually been before, as it always sounded like a big hassle with a bunch of crazy naked artsy types running around and pushing me out of their way (nobody like's naked people sweat). But, we actually found close parking right away, got yummy pizza at piecora's, and then strolled right in. It was really cool. As it was Friday night, it wasn't too crowded. And it was cooler, so people wore clothes. The vendors were packing up when we got there, so it added a lot of space. They shut down a big part of Pike, by Neumos, and had a couple of different stages going on.
I was trying to see Band of Horses, but missed it (but my friend whom I later ran into said it actually sucked really bad, and the CD is way better). I was also dying to see my hardcore lovers HIMSA, but missed them too. Sad...! However, we made it to a bit of Visqueen, Pretty Girls, got some cocktails at some hip new hipster martini bar (ahh, we are trying to turn into new york--hipsters at martini bars?! Go back to the Cha Cha lounge!), then over to Neumo's to catch the Cops, who were amazing! I ran into some friends there, too. But, those dainty little folk rockers emptied out awfully quick when Big Business took the stage. My little hardcore heart was all a pitter patter, as I moved up as close as possible to the stage for the most fantastic rock. Way better live, because you get to see how amazingly hard they rock. I mean, I don't think I've ever seen a drummer exert quite so much effort. That guy was going crazy! For a small 3 piece, they put out a ton of sound. I'm in love.
I need to make some more metal friends, because even my rocker roomie cleared out. But, after half the set, I think I heard my ears ringing and my hearing disappear, so I had to get out of there. Old lady, too old for metal.
Here are some pics, but I realized I didn't take many of the bands or the festival. That's because I was actually watching a bit this time instead of photographing!
Hooray for local music!
Goodbye, I'm off on holiday!