Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Here they are, in random order...

#1. Matt and I were sitting in his car at Coulon Park, gazing out at the sunset while lightly people watching. From around a corner of bushes comes a generational family of men from a long day of apparent fishing. Grandpa has run up ahead and around the corner from the rest of the boys, and decided on a sneaky idea to scare the crap out of the grandsons. We see him hunch down on the far side of the bushes, on a hill, and get in full pounce position. We stop our conversation to watch the ensuing excitement. Here they come. With a smirking twinkle in his eye, Grandpa rubs his hands together in scheming anticipation. We lean in closer and watch the plot unfold.

As the dad and kids round the bush, Grandpa goes to lunge at them with a growl, when suddenly he trips on something, lurches forward, crashes face-first, and then continues in an accidental and devestating summersault down toward the feet of the children. As it was quickly established that no hips were broken, the father and children burst out in uproarious laughter with pointing fingers and cradled stomachs. And poor grandpa just sat rubbing his head trying to explain why he was doing handsprings from behind a bush.


Mexican dinner menu: "Flour tortilla filled with chicken or beer"

We ordered at least 8 beer filled tortillas, but were asked to leave after getting crazy drunk and having a pinto bean fight.

Journal-y Post

So, I guess I'm not a big fan of those excessive personal diary type posts, but hey, everyone else is doing it--and I'm not one to ever wander from the norm-so here I go. Anyway, it is MY website, and I can talk about whatever I want.

But mostly, nobody really seems to know what I'm actually up to these days. Everyone probably just thinks that when I say "I really can't hang out, or go to your 8 year old sister's sparkle dance recital because I'm really busy" that I'm really just saying "actually, I don't like you that much and I hate your sister even more, so I'm just gonna make up some really lame Seinfeld type excuse so I can kick back and watch 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' all day (which I actually highly recommend as a great way to spend the day).

So then, diary commence!

There seems to be a huge amount of big 'life changing decisions' to deal with lately. And I'm sure we all know what a great decision maker I am (when I call you at 11pm to go over and over and over all my circumstances and listen to myself talk under the guise of seeking your advice, and then when you give it I just turn around and do the opposite--you know who you are, all 28 of you).

I have recently put in my 3 weeks notice at my current Starbucks job in downtown Bellevue. Throughout the last year or more that I've been there I've had my fair amount of struggles and discontent. Some days I dealt well with it, and some weeks and months I was horrible about it. Needless to say, the job added a lot of stress to my life, but provided the sort of comfort I needed in a workplace. I have been with Starbucks long enough that working in a tiny little office building full of generally cool regulars and an amazing office commons lobby in which to take breaks (while perhaps sitting in a plush chair by the massive stone fireplace with a book in hand) was less than difficult. Point being, even though I was unhappy with some of the situations there, it was difficult to have much motivation to leave it for some big, dirty, crowded coffee whorehouse. I even snagged a free parking pass.

So where am I going? Some of you know about my little coffee shop venture. I have been reluctant to talk about much of it as the plans are in constant state of change, and the surety of the venture is always uncertain. But, I suppose, since you asked and all, I'll divulge a bit.

My church, Harambee (of which there is a link to in said section, in case you think I'm in a crazy cult) (which is possible, so you may want to check it out and decide for yourself), has recently purchased their first building (previously renting a space), in downtown Renton. The vision is more of a community center than a church. One with a tutoring/mentoring program, classes, a coffee house and art space, etc. Remind me to give the full commercial for it later. Anyway, Matt and I have volunteered to start the coffee shop, as that's always been a dream of ours. We've begun plans, revised plans, cancelled plans and so on. And the one thing that is sure, is that it takes a huge amount of time to start a business, especially since I forgot all my well-trained business skills from my last big company operation (if you really want to call selling Sierra Mist out of a wagon for a quarter when I was 10 a corporation). Soooo, my church has asked me to become a full time employee, running the coffee shop, and doing various other administrative tasks. So I'm now officially and underpaid intern! Which I am ecstatic about (as well as being nervous enough to wet my pants about).

Fun, this is like a Christmas newsletter! You'll read the first paragraph and the last, and skim the rest, so in this here middle I can say anything I want! I'm a huge drug addict, who is pregnant with 8 babies! yay! ok, hope you caught that. If you did, I'll send you a gold star in the mail, or feature you on my website (for having the courage to read this far).

Also, Matt recently purchased his first house in Rent-on. So that has been very exciting, and keeping us overly busy. Were learning to clean, and paint, and redo floors, and ceilings, and yards and, and, and,....etc. We are having a lot of fun though. Matt Topping 123 will be moving in as Matt 99's roomie. So keep an eye out for the raging house warming party we hope to throw soon. Maybe a BINGO party is in the works, or perhaps just a quiet kegger. One thing is for sure though, we have a foosball table and will be holding some tournaments.

And, well, there is a million other things, but I'm already boring myself, so I'll save some for later, Augustus.

So there, dear diray is done for a while.

Awesome obligatory self photo

Friday, August 19, 2005

can you hear me now Pick-of-the-Friday

I was going to wait and let Jensen absorb her celebrity a bit before I posted my new pick--but it just can't wait. You see, I have a lot of phone calls to return today. But unfortunately, I am unable to do that due the absurd suckiness (real word) of my phone carrier. Of course, to protect this corporate giant from any form of slander, I'll let the company remain nameless. But I will say that, much to my chagrin, I signed a 2 year contract for a service that does not actually exist. I don't get reception ANYWHERE, as those of you who have suffered through those long "cut-off, re-dial, drop call, sound like a robot, try again--ok now I'm standing on a chair hanging upside down with my left arm out-can you hear me now?" conversations may know. Messages come in days later, people sound like giant attack robots speaking in alien terrorist command code, all my calls get dropped, I can't ever hear anyone, and ON and ON and ON. I live 100 feet from the freeway, and as soon as I get 70 feet from my house, I lose all reception--unless of course, when I get home, I can properly perform the upside down rain dance in the southwestern corner of my house while atop my bed--then I may be lucky enough to roam on a Sprint network.

"oh, you must live in a remote area" nameless wireless provider tells me.

"no, actually, seconds off 405" I reply.

"oh, you probably didn't update to the new service packs" they say.

"hmm, ya, actually, 3 times."

"oh, maybe you bought a cheap phone" again they flounder.

"so, you sell phones here that don't actually work--but you tell people they do, and then make them pay extra because they exceed their minutes limit because of all the dropped calls?"

"oh, uh, um, well, THAT phone is only in the 200$ range, and you need at least a 300$ one. But I'm sure its more than likely not working because you're just a careless and clumsy human and drop the phone all the time, just admit it."

clumsy, yes, dropping the phone, no. Well, unless you count throwing it across the room and stomping on it because it never works, especially on the most important phone calls. At least, that's what I'd like to do. And that's (finally) where my pick of the week comes in.......

Oh, and just for the imaginary record, say if there was going to be one ever, and you were going to boycott a wireless company and rally around me with your tales of similar woe, we'll just call this nameless service provider VERIZON! (dear verizon, you SUCK!!!)

(Interesting part begins here):

So there I am, coming out of ritzy everyone's-blond-rich-and-completely-in-control Bellevue Square Mall (let's not inquire as to what I was actually doing there), when on the other side of the glass doors I see a completely normal looking Bellevue man flailing around like a crazy person. He's yelling and cussing without taking a breath, while simultaneously kicking something around and waving his fists in the air. I stop for a moment, concerned about entering into an unsafe area where there perhaps may lurk evil spirits that posses people, or maybe a man high on crack who's about to kill me if I walk out those doors. But then I look closer, and realize he is furiously kicking around a cell phone!

"you stupid F****** mother******* thing! I hate you and your sh**** service!!!"

...and this phrase was being repeated over and over, with exciting new additions every so often, as he was actually kicking the phone around, ricocheting it off a brick wall with every forceful punt. His fists were also swinging about as feverishly as his mouth was spitting out obscenities.

It was quite possibly the single greatest thing I've ever seen. How many times have you been tempted to do that same thing to your phone? (hmm..ok, maaaaybe I speak for myself. But I know you're out there, don't pretend like you wouldn't love to do it) I cannot count on my own two hands how many times I've been tempted to throw my phone in the creek by my house, or yes, even crazily kick it into a brick wall over and over while hopping around with fists of fury, waving my arms to and fro in angry exasperation while spitting a torent of obsenities all over my fellow consumers. Or maybe do this to a verizon representative instead. But, for unknown reasons, my slight sanity has prevented me from experiencing this liberating thing.

How free he looked, just one man, one normal looking Bellevue man, taking it upon himself to resolve all of America's frustrations with cell phones with just one neverending profane sentence and several severe kicks to his own phone. Thank you. Thank you for doing what I cannot, but desperately wish I could. I salute you, crazy out-of-control man.

I wanted to shake his hand, give him a high five, or even throw in my own phone to kick around in approval--but, he was acting a bit like a psycho, so I thought it better to keep my distance and just honor him with a Pick-o-the-week!

And the most validating point about this entire story? As I quietly passed by him, I tried to peek over to see which phone was actually taking the sacrificial beating for the rest of cell phones everywhere. Turns out, it's the exact same phone I have. Damn you, Verizon, for sending a man over the edge of the cliffs of insanity.

Yay for super Jensen, my Pick-of-the-week!

This is an email sent to me by my friend Jensen (who has as busy of a schedule as mine, so I hardly ever get to see her, even though we try!). I found it quite entertaining, and rather inspiring (I would have given up and just slept in--by the pool--with a martini!) Hope you don't mind that I posted this, Jens! Though, I think some formatting was lost. Read anyway!

She is applying for a very prestigious position at Wella (and might I recommend her for all your hair color needs!)

That is very exciting! I will keep you in my prayers! Good Luck!


Ok, for those of you that don't know, I flew down to LA last week for an interview for a full-time position with Wella.

It went very well despite the airline losing my luggage...lol.

I flew down on 8/10 and landed 1 hour late at 9PM. I then waited until 10PM wondering where the heck my suitcase was and why the baggage claim area reeked of fish!!

I went to the lost baggage office, and on my way, passed by hundreds of boxes of fish!! All these Alaskan Fisherman were flying back home to CA and bringing their fish with them.

When I asked about my bag, they said that it didn't make it onto my flight, and would be coming in on the next plane...which wasn't until 12:30AM!! (shakes fist @ smelly fish!!)

The guy made it sound like they'd deliver all night and it wouldn't be a big deal. So, I take my Super Shuttle to Woodland Hills.

I didn't get to my hotel until about 11PM. When I got there, they said they had no record of my reservation and it had somehow been "cancelled."

They only had 2 rooms left, so they had to put me in a smelly "smoking room." Gross! I didn't have any candles with me, and the gift shop was closed, so I couldn't buy any. (note to self: always bring a travel candle for smelly hotel rooms) Luckily, it was warm enough to leave the sliding door open, so I aired the room out pretty good.

So, I stay up until 12:30 for the next flight to get in so I can call about my bag. It
still hasn\'t gotten in yet!!

Irritated, I watch some TV & fall asleep. I wake up around 6AM & check on my bag again. They finally found it!! Yay!!

But.....their delivery service doesn't pick it up until 8AM, and there is a 4-6 hour delivery window!! All of my presentation stuff is in that bag, and my interview is supposed to start at 9:30AM. I also have my "grown-up outfit" in there as well. After being mistaken as a 19 year old at least 3 times between the airport & the hotel, I did not want Cathy's first impression of me to be in a T-Shirt & jeans. I need my grown-up clothes to help me look my age!! (for those of you that forgot, I'm 27).

So, I had no choice but to call Cathy at 6AM & let her know what was going on. I told her that I thought it would be best if I took a taxi cab to & from the airport, instead of waiting for the dumb delivery people.

She agreed, so I got as ready as I could & hailed a cab.

Meet Felix: the coolest Russian cab driver ever!! Not only does he drive well enough so I can do my makeup with my fingers and a Q-tip, he entertains me as well!

Felix's top 2 jokes:


"Would you like to see my Russian air-conditioning?"


(he rolls the back 2 windows down.)


He has a picture of his dog on his dashboard, so I ask him about it.

"That's my poodle. I don't know what I like most...when my wife kisses me, or when my dog kisses me."


And, even though I called Alaska airlines at 7AM to let them know I was on my way, they still didn't have my bag ready!! Luckily, Felix stops the meter for me while we're waiting for my bag so I don't have to hail another cab.

So, I get my bag and we're off!! I made it to the Wella Studio at 9:45AM. Cathy tells me how impressed she is by how I handled the whole baggage fiasco!! (Yes!! Brownie points for Jensen!!)

So, the interview went well, but I won't find out until the next week if I go onto the 2nd round or not.

So, I barely make it to the airport on the way to LAX b/c I forgot to set up a Super Shuttle, so I had to take a cab. And, silly me drank a grande Iced Tea & bottle of water before she left. So I felt every bump & brake!! (where's good 'ol Felix?)

Thank God the line was short at the check in. I ran up & told the guy, "Can you make this snappy? I just drank a huge Iced Tea, and where's the nearest restroom?"

Lucky for me, it was very close!!

And then, before I get on the plane, I say a little prayer, "Please God, PLEEEAASSSEE don't let me get stuck to a screaming child or smelly person!!!"

And as I walked back to my seat, I end up sitting to a very handsome Spaniard that has really good cologne on!! Yess!!! (Hey, just 'cuz you're married doesn't mean you stop thinking boys are cute!!)

So, I take a nice well-deserved nap and enjoy the smell of good cologne.

Soooo....this all happened last week on 8/10-8/11, and I FINALLY got a phone call today saying they want to do a 2nd interview with me over the phone!! It'll probably be on Monday, so everyone say a little prayer for me!!


Sunday, August 14, 2005

Nicholas Bloem

The memorial service will be tomorrow afternoon.

Al and Debbie, Nick's parents.

The Bloem family during the burial at Tahoma National Cemetary. Some of Nick's younger sisters are in the background.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I think this really is the last of the pictures! I swear!

So, I did promise (check out the archive!) a while ago that I had a few more India trip pics. So enjoy. I may post a few from Singapore, but I'm not sure I want anyone to see anymore photos of us enjoying a swim in crystal blue waters when were supposed to be out drudging around in the dirt wearing sack cloth. I will also be posting (due to recent and small demand) the first, and well, only, India informational email--which doesn't go to well with these photos because apparently it is somewhat depressing. Though, my intent is not in anyway to sound as such, but only to translate the truth. If you find it depressing and sad--good! Perhaps you'll be tempted to find ways to get involved. It was sad in a way, but a valuable and beautiful experience that I cherish. I learned much and gained more from the Indian people, especially those at Vision Nationals, than I ever gave to them, I'm sure. They are amazing and blessed people.

Boy Band album cover!!

Hey, Matt, could you just lean to the side a little while I take this picture? Just hold it a few minutes while I get the exposure right. great, thanks.


Water Buffalo!

Out for a family ride, with..no helmets, and..kids just chillin' on the front and the little wife hanging on tight and side-saddle on the back. This was one of the smaller families we saw bein' crazy. At least they are wearing awesome sunglasses.

Just going for a stroll in the lovely March afternoon.

Arjuna's daughter and the kids' teacher.

Cooking in the 'kitchen'. Those are giant pots of curry (some of the best curry, i might add).

hanging laundry

Matt and I, sweaty, dirty, and tired!

Mike is enjoying the fine musical talents of Mr. Topping.

These are the beautiful flower leis the gave us on our last day as a thank you and honor.


where did he go?

Students of the Bible college

Pastors in training; how to be hip to American culture---The ipod.

The pastors conference

saying goodbye

Dennis and his friends

singing for us on the last day

at church, earlier in the week

waiting outside for us

Tears as we leave. Actually, everyone was crying. I decided to hide behind the camera instead.

They dressed up in their beautiful new dresses to bid us goodbye.


Dhanalaxshmi and friends on our last day

Mr. 86 himself

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Watch the pre-marital drama unfold...

Check out Topping, Topping, 123's blog (Hello Devilbear) to see reasons not discussed here as to why Matty V was 86'd as a contributor from this blog!

Where is Chris?

Where is Chris? Is he ever coming home? Is he still in New York, kidnapped by thugs, tied up in cable, and thrown in a basement in Buffalo? Or perhaps he's livin' it up at his buddy's mansion in Colorado, where his giant pimp old lady ride is parked? Is he that guy wearing the 1o gallon hat in Texas? Or did he just get stuck in Kansas forever, but is telling us he's coming home because he's too embarrassed to admit he's moved to Kansas for good? Or maybe he is on his way, breakin' the law driving at speeds well over 100mph. Or perhaps he's already HOME, and hasn't called me yet, or come to get coffee! Or, maybe he's just lost for-ev-er.

Monday, August 08, 2005


In memory of Nick Bloem--20 year old brother of my childhood best friend, Juliana, and a dear family friend. Nick was killed on his 20th birthday on a Marine mission in Iraq on August 3rd. He leaves behind his parents, Al and Debbie, his twin brother Alcedes, and 7 other siblings. Please be in prayer for their family. The memorial service will take place next Monday.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

VOTE for Maddie!

So, instead of actually doing work to find the voting page, simply click on the appropriately titled link to the right, watch the magical and amazing powers of the internet, and then vote! Hooray.

Monday, August 01, 2005

This is Maddie (Madeline)!!!! This is our friends Aaron and Kayla's daughter. They submitted this picture to Jones Soda to be on a label. But you have to VOTE for it!!! Go to Jonessoda.com and do a search in the gallery for either "Sandy" within the "babies" category, or look up number 410358! GO VOTE!