Tuesday, January 31, 2006

California girls gone wild!

What the heck? So, I was browsing a friend's site who has these pics from a Japanese mag posted. Browsing the site ever so briefly, I didn't really take the time to figure out what the real deal is here, but the only thought that immediately came to mind was "are they trying to look like the ideal American woman?" Yikes. Is that what their perception is? Have we really convinced everyone that looking like you've been stuck in a toaster too long is something to strive for? That is the ultimate standards of beauty? Well then, USA ladies, you've been had, and the mockery abounds widely.

But whatever the case with this little photo shoot, not since watching Bubba Hotep the other night have I seen something this frightening. Poor girls, I wonder if they actually know they look like that. Maybe they don't have mirrors in Japan.

Whatever the case, there is just really no excuse for this picture.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Dear Diary, the events of my day are as follows:

So, I know I don’t post nearly as much as I used to.  But that’s what happens when you sit on a computer all day at work.  The last thing I feel like doing when I get home is hooking up the little guy and sitting on here another few hours.  So…there.  That being said, I got on here to actually write something, but got consumed in other things.  So, maybe I’ll skip the interesting and just write a journal-ly post.

Friday evening I hosted a little soiree at The Met with some of the ladies.  For 5$ we got 5 wine tastes and unlimited fancy snacks.  Despite Gayle dumping her ridiculously expensive full glass of wine down the front of her, and the conversation getting’ serious near the end, and was lots of fun and fellowship.  I would love to keep it up, and make a monthly thing.  Maybe not just at Renton hot spots, but abroad!  Pictures will be posted as soon as I get them developed from that bulky old “film” camera of mine.

I spent this morning with Tracy sipping maté at Jerzy’s coffee in Redmond.  She is one of the BCS faithful from back in the day.  We grew up together, spending most of our time grounded as our parents spent most of their time hanging out together deciding on mutually shared punishments for us.

She has become a beautiful wife and mother, and a great friend.  So, trace, here’s a little picture collage for ya, for remembrance of the old days….

Some "autumn harvest party" we had. When you're not allowed to celebrate halloween, you have harvest parties, or martyr parties. And you do weird things like tie your hands up (maybe like the Christian martyrs did) and you smoosh your face in green pies to dig for skittles...like martyrs...do. And you dress like hookers...oh wait, I'm supposed to be a gypsy. From left: Suzanne, tracy, me (hooker gypsy tramp), and Diana.

Seventh grade HO down! Top row: cory, britt, drew, isbell, dave-------robbie, jenny, trace, me, mike, erin.

Select soccer team, age 14. My dad is the coach (right side). So I always had to run more laps than everyone else. We look suspiciously twin-like here...

Yes, we were the hight of grunge fashion--over sized mens thrift store clothes. My mom says she didn't care if i dressed like a "slob" as long as I wasn't trying to rock mini skirts at school. kids today. At least we were comfortable. (we were getting ready for soccer practice here)

Lookin' HOT--from left to right---Annie V, me, tracy, Becky Y, Shawna H.---you think girly slumber parties are all undies and pillow fights? Think again...now there's a real sexy slumber party.

please allow me to say "I'm right" and "I told you so". Thank you.

Ha!  So I came across this little validating article…

“Got your MySpace page yet? Tearing up the platform that Friendster first enlivened, MySpace has become the dominant force in the social networking sphere. Over the past year, searches for the site have steadily risen, making MySpace quite the space hog in the Buzz.

Despite its overall unimaginative design, confusing navigation, and awful autoloading multimedia, who can say what caused the overwhelming success of MySpace? Maybe it's a global longing for web design, circa 1995. Alternatively, we suspect it's a testament to the universal power of peer pressure. Musicians, actors, TV shows, or "personalities" -- everyone's doing it. If you want to make friends, make money, or make a buzz, it seems like you have to make a MySpace page these days.

Or maybe it's just democracy in action. The users voted and MySpace wins. And, given the search demographics, MySpace does seem to be a democratic milieu. Representatives of all ages dip into its slow-loading pages and questionable grammar. Even the unhip 35-44-year-olds are into it. But, most of the searchers for "myspace" turn out to be female (57%), and over a quarter are in the effervescent 13-17 age bracket. Thus, to you MySpace fans everywhere, we leave you with these parting words: U totally luv MySpace... OMG! It like totally RULZ!! LMAO!!! LOL!!!!”

Friday, January 20, 2006

I usually don't post these things, but...I think I'm gonna make an exception here...

ooh la la

new church website....link on right

Pictures of the Week for those who complain about my infrequent post skills--I'll cut your face

I think I'm supposed to say something here about what this is and what is going on here, and why we look so cute and happy, but I'm feeling to lazy to post anything like that at the moment. But, it was part of the big kick off party for our non profit's after school programs. yay!

My favorite pics of the week go out to my adoring fans, Matt and Alecia....

Hey, did you hear about.......

"NO! Get out!"

We LOVE each other!!awwww

This is actually not a set up "cute" picture


Me and Brit--we planned to look like twins here

We now lift up the holy MacDonald's CD player that cometh from the barrel of truth that hails from the attic of secrets above the holy "auditorium"....

yo Kimnang raps!



No Talent Ass Clown---or, why MySpace is stupid

So, I am probably totally offending and alienating about 90% of my friends right now, but you guys can always take comfort in calling my a hypocrite if that makes you feel better.

What is the deal with this myspace phenomenon? It just seems so strange to me. Like some guy named Tom creating a little template for people to post all their most admirable qualities (which are mostly wishful thinking anyway) and flattering pictures to flaunt to the world is that big of a deal.

“But, it’s about the community of people on there that makes it so special” nameless quoted says.

Ya, well how about that. How about you type up the most flattering paragraph about yourself possible, exaggerating all the positive details so that more people will find you interesting and therefore send you a personally validating “friend request”. How about you add a few really sexy pictures of yourself to rope in further compliments like “you’re hot--Can I be your friend?” to make you truly feel like an attractive, worthy person. And then you can sit all alone in your cold, dark apartment, cruising around on other people’s sites enjoying those hot photos, while trying to find someone really interesting to befriend.

“I like to find my old high school buddies”

Ya, who wouldn’t? Why not sit around by yourself searching for a bunch of half assed high school friends that you’re just dying to make contact with. “Ya, what did ever happen to that hot high school cheerleader I always had a crush on? Oh, here she is! Let me check out the photos she’s posted of herself trying to hide the extra 30 pounds she put on since those days while still looking good doing a beer bong at one of those post college parties”. Yep, awesome.

Sitting around by yourself on a computer all night trying to strike up a relationship with a bunch of meaningless people that exist in some sort of virtual world seems really contradictory to the whole community thing. (wait a second, is that what I’m doing right now…?)

Not to mention, all those hip, arty, vegan kids (ok, maybe that's just what my "friends" consist of) are all on there being so cool and trying to get a musician to date them by touting the values of 'screw the man and just make love', and then they are totally cool with signing up for a program supported completely by massive corporate advertising. You guys are dumb. Besides, who really wants Ipod ads and Jessica Simpson ads all over their website?

Geez, at least I’m not trying to run a dating ad with my blog. Ya, that’s what myspace is. One big online dating forum for people who miss high school. Stupid.

(please don’t remind me when my “last myspace login” date was, or I might write something really mean about you—or ask you on a date via “friend request”.)

Man, I know a lot of people that are gonna be really pissed off at me now….

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Ok, this is pretty much the greatest photo I've ever seen. This is Tracy's (Thorn=Denherder) baby Tayla.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Breaking the Rain Record, and it sucks

So, remember that whole "it rains here all the time and it sucks!" conversation? Ya, well here are some pictures to prove to you what I'm talking about. This is what it looks like from October to June. Gray, low lying, crappy, cold, wet, misty rain. Yuck.

Don't believe me? Try this: We here in Seattle are on day 27 in a row of rain. Thats right, a month straight of the scene below. A record, you ask? oh ya, 33 days of rain in a row set in 1953. And were about to break it! Were also about to break the record for the largest amount of rain in a month since 1976. Ya, I'm telling you, its depressing and ridiculous. Ya, Emerald city. Right.

See, this is that whole giant "blanket of gray" thing I'm talking about. A low lying quilt of depressing clouds.

THis is blurry because it is soooo misty rainy, you can't see.

Trip cancelled due to Rain

Matt and I tried to take a day trip to Bellingham to go hike around at Larabee state park....but, wouldn't you know, by the time we got there it was pouring. So instead we had progressive dinners around town per locals recommendations. We found this really cool place called 'le chat noir'. we had fondue. yum yum. And then we went to the awesome Tulalip Casino!!! Since I'm not much of a Vegas affectionado, this is the biggest casino I have ever been to. Not to mention, it was Roy Orbison tribute night--and it was rockin'. we each spent 10$ in slots--I left with 10$, Matt left with 0$! ( I am much luckier, and cuter) I guess that's what happens when it won't stop raining for a month straight--you end up passing time in casinos.

tough matt

Our sooo romantic table


Christmas Family Photo Album

These are our only Christmas pictures. Not much to speak of. But then again, nobody really likes looking through other peoples family albums.

This is Matt's nephew Merick.

we look kinda shiny and funny here, but we don't have any other good ones--the rest are much funnier

Matt's niece Avery

This is our rock and roll pic. We have a secret desire to be old county music rock stars.


nice, matt

aunt D

Brian and the IPOD

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

It's called the holidays, ok

ya ya, so I haven't posted in for-ev-er. Got a little busy with holidays and work (note to self: never attempt to hand make all Christmas presents at the last minute, and then give up and attempt to shop at the last minute--bad idea!!). And of course, I really don't have time for a proper post right now. I'll just leave you begging for more instead.

But, back by popular demand: Picks-of-the-week!

Can't decide if this is a Pick or an Anti-pick, but here is a very sad/very funny story, depending on who you are (me=sad, you=funny). Go ahead, laugh at my expense (or perhaps it's pity).

So I had a bit of a strenuous day. Matt and I return to his house after intern class, where I had left my car. As I give it a few minutes to warm up before going home, I discuss with Matt the points of my stressful day. And, well, there were quite a few points, so a few minutes turns into about 30. Suddenly, I remember my running car parked out on the street. As I quickly rise to leave, Matt gazes out the window and says, "hey, where did your car go?"

immediately I think, "great, I'm sure someone stole it and isn't that just the perfect ending to my day, and I'm not even going to bother to go look outside because I'm such a victim I'm sure it's gone forever--poor me, just my luck". And I pout.

"well, I still hear it, but I don't see it" says Matt while actually opening the door to look up and down the street for my missing vehicle.

Ya, somehow (I'm going with "my e-brake slipped off" rather than "I forgot to put my e-break on while warming up my manual car") the brake wasn't on, and on the completely flat neighborhood street my car had decided it was sick of waiting for me and was just going to leave on its own. So we found it, a few houses down, in the neighbors front lawn, still running (and the neighbor chilling inside watching TV with the drapes open, completely unaware....I hope).
